Evento 16 - 20 novembro 2015
This ITI Education Week, held at Moinhos de Vento Hospital in Porto Alegre, has been designed for clinicians with experience in the field of implant dentistry. It is the first to be held in Portuguese and Spanish. The five-day course will run under the topic “From Extraction to Rehabilitation” and focus on the biological and clinical effects of tooth loss and approaches to rehabilitation, including alveolar bone preservation and staged bone grafts. Besides a series of lectures, the course includes live surgeries as well as a surgical and restorative workshop. Participants will benefit from the significant research and clinical experience of the faculty.
Porto Alegre is a beautiful city in south-eastern Brazil. With its direct flight connections to Panama City, Lisbon and Miami, Porto Alegre is easily accessible for participants from South America as well as other Portuguese- and Spanish-speaking parts of the world. Major South American cities such as Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Montevideo and Santiago are just a two-hour flight away. The weather in November is warm and sunny, so participants may want to enjoy the weekend before or after the course visiting the nearby attractions.
- Describe the effects of tooth loss and how they can be minimized for implant treatment
- Analyze different approaches for implant placement and bone grafts
- Discuss treatment planning for implant rehabilitation in esthetic and non-esthetic areas
- What happens after tooth loss and how to deal with it
- Update on loading protocols
- Alveolar bone: preservation or augmentation?
- Clinical decisions in extraction and implant placement
- Digital workflow in implant dentistry
- Anatomy for implant surgery
- Understanding CBCT and using it for treatment planning
- Biologic failures
- Implants in medically compromised patients
- Reduced diameter implants – indications, results and techniques
- Differences in indications for bone level and tissue level implants
- Soft tissue augmentation and management
- Implants and bone grafts: simultaneous or staged
- Short implants: indications, results and techniques
- Sinus augmentation techniques
- Esthetic management of large anterior areas
- Overdenture or fixed complete restorations: decision-making and treatment plan
Hospital Moinhos de Vento, Porto Alegre, Brazil
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