3Shape Produtos
Discover 3Shape’s products and innovations that continue to challenge traditional treatment methods, enabling dental professionals to treat more patients more effectively.
sex. 15. novembro 2024
Tens of thousands of dentists use—and love—TRIOS 3. This award-winning scanner is both reliable and precise, and your preferred lab is likely one of our 20,000 partners. Capture an impression and ...
ter. 22. outubro 2024
Unite 3: The new workflow engine behind TRIOS
With the new release of Unite, 3Shape is bringing cloud-based dentistry to a new level. All licences for this workflow engine have been moved to the ...
qui. 9. março 2023
TRIOS 5 Wireless is recognised for its innovative performance and design. A double winner at the UK’s Dental Industry Awards, Dental Products Report also named TRIOS 5 one of the Top Game Changers ...
ter. 12. março 2019
The award winning 3Shape TRIOS 4 intraoral scanner comes with increased battery life (+30%), optimized wireless performance, smart tips, and groundbreaking caries diagnostic aid technology for surface...
qua. 26. julho 2017
Integrieren Sie TRIOS in die Arbeitsabläufe Ihrer Praxis oder Klinik
TRIOS ist so konzipiert, dass es sich problemlos in ihr aktuelles Praxis-Management-System integrieren lässt und für die ...
seg. 9. maio 2016
3Shape TRIOS intraoral scanners have won the Cellerant "Best of Class" award for intraoral scanning an unprecedented seven years in a row. The world’s first and only wireless scanner, 3Shape TRIOS ...